Gun rights is one of the most debated topics in America right now. People that are against it claim that guns are dangerous and plead for everyone to think of the children. Ok.. Here's what you need to know right now: If your kid shoots himself with your gun that you have in your home, You FAILED as a parent and a gun owner. That is a true statement! Your kids should know the dangers and responsibility of handling a gun. Its just like driving a car: you can't handle one correctly without practice and knowledge.

This is Mayor Daley laughing at your shit!
Chicago's Handgun ban is being debated right now. Many citizens think that the ban is unconstitutional and want it overturned. Some people want to go a bit further and want a law passed that Chicagoans can carry and conceal handguns ALL THE TIME! This isn't such a bad idea, I think that with proper training and safety regulations honest Americans can carry some straight up heat and put a hold on Chicago crime. I'm not saying we need some vigilante justice up in here... I'm saying we need the bad guys to be afraid of us!

I'd love to see a potential rapist or petty mugger catch a bullet to the kneecap or the gut. We need our citizens to fight back against the fear crime has put into them. Mayor Daley is totally against us having guns in fact he's one of the top guys arguing against lifting the ban. Do you know why? Because he doesn't have to take the bus and el train alone at night. Mayor Daley doesn't have to walk home through the shitty neighborhoods and he doesn't live in fear of someone robbing him on payday. That fat mothefucker has like a hundred security guards that are strapped to the teeth, So if someone evens sneezes on him they catch a bullet! Almost all the gun crimes in Chicago are done with illegally purchased or stolen guns anyway! So people should be allowed to own a gun or multiple guns!

Shorty got a strap! Where you at??!
Back to kids and guns, If you travel to the South a lot of younger kids know how to use guns. Kids as young as nine years old know how to handle a rifle and are completely responsible with firearms. Ok so dudes in the South like to fuck their sisters... At least they know how to keep it real with a glock. I'll tell you this, Kelly and I will be applying for the FOID card then we're gonna go to the range and learn how to properly take care of our weapons. Then we're gonna buy the coolest guns ever and take pictures of us doing irresponsible shit with our guns. I'm a grown ass man and I will totally take a picture of myself pointing a gun into an infants mouth. WEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSTTTT SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDEEEE!!!!!
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