Yes sir, The Dark Knight Rises is officially the title to the third installment of Chris Nolan's Batman series. Here are the facts: No Riddler (Which I'm OK with because Batman has a ton of Rogues), It will not be filmed in 3D (Thank you Nolan!), and they're looking for a female lead (I'm hoping Catwoman but someone brought the idea up of Talia and the League of Shadows making a return.) So Nolan has definitely planted the "hype seed" and we're excited! (For all who don't know, when TDK was in production I was severely obsessed with the viral marketing and spent several late nights getting the "nerd itch". Cliff lived with me at the time and he can vouch for my trolling)
So what's everyone thinking? I hear the big rumor is Killer Croc. I seriously doubt it. I know they're filming in Louisiana but Croc's character never really hung out at the swamp and he was known for being in the sewers of Gotham more than the Louisiana bayou. The Joker to return? I won't put that idea down, I don't think Heath Ledger "owns" that character. Ledger's turn was incredible but I could see him being recast-ed and there's a line of A list Hollywood players waiting for their chance to take on that role. Before you object, Many of you were very angry at the fact that Ledger was taking the role that Nicholson set the bar for. (Jack wasn't that good. True story!) I always liked Ledger and Nolan hasn't let us down yet, If Joker ends up getting recast-ed it will make sense. Harvey Dent died in The Dark Knight. Everyone including Aaron Eckhart has said that Harvey Dent died, No one has said that Two-Face will not be in the next Batman movie. If you've read the books you'll know that Two-Face ALWAYS says that Harvey is dead. I believe that the actors and writers always intended to keep that part of the story intact, Harvey Dent died the moment he realized he was no longer Harvey Dent. (The part when he told the Joker that each side of the coin determined the Joker's fate) I also predict that the female lead will go to the Catwoman, It makes sense to have a character that is "on the fence", Its gives Batman a conflict that is mental and emotional as opposed to physical.
We can all be certain that the wild ride begins here! The Dark Knight Rises will now be on the tips of our tongues and on the look out for any info we can find. You can rest assured that I will do my very best to keep all of you in the loop and well informed. Run your questions my way and I want to hear your comments people! Don't forget to share my blog on Facebook and twitter! Also visit thenapalmassault.com and read our blogs!