I love using this exploding head picture.
I understand that having a baby is an extremely beautiful part of life and that most babies are a symbol of love between two people. However, If your kid doesn't fall under that category you are a shitty decision maker and your shitty decision will lead to my taxes paying for you and your stupid ass kid. I don't have kids, but I've been around enough people that have them to know that kids are a big fucking responsibility! When these damn teens have kids it makes me feel so bad for two people: 1) The Kid. The kid will grow up to be a felon and an asshole! 2) The Parents of stupid teen mom and teen dad. THEY HAVE TO RAISE THAT FUCKING KID!!! People at the age of 14-18 have no idea what it is to have that kind of responsibility! If you're an ex-teen mom or dad and feel like you did a pretty good job, please email me and if I know you well enough I'll tell you all the reasons on how I'm right!! If you can't handle certain truths then please just read this and hang your head low in defeat!
I've watched the 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom shows, they are super entertaining! Watching train wrecks is a ton of fun, plus if you want to feel better about your life watch the show! (This will not apply to teen moms or dads as your fucking life is in the toilet and watching this show should only serve as a constant reminder of your miserable life.) The only smart kids on that show is the ugly girl and skinny kid who gave up their child for adoption because the girl had a TERRIBLE FUCKING LIFE!! The ugly girl had a crackhead mom and skinny kid's dad was in and out of jail. Those kids are fucking heroes, we should give them a medal. The other parents just make terrible choices every episode, its pretty brutal to watch at times. The thing that really gets me on this is that every year we'll get a new season of teen mom because girls will purposely get pregnant to be on that show, does anyone get on MTV's ass about this? Someone should, because there are a ton of girls with daddy issues out there that need the attention of a million television watchers! Let me ask you this: Do you think the fat girl and the fatter dude make good parents? THEIR KID CAN'T EVEN FUCKING READ!!!
I just really can't handle the fact that we're becoming "OK" with teens becoming parents, The dads don't stick around at all (they're little boys who wiggle their little dick in a snatch and think they're men) and teen moms usually hand the kid off to their parents and end up looking for another guy that will end up treating kid #1 like a piece of shit. Then that becomes a cycle for that kid to fuck his/her life even worse than their parents did! Wear a god-damned condom, trust me its not as bad as it sounds. I'll tell you how it works: Your peepee gets hard, you open a package of Lifestyles that you picked up at Planned Parenthood, you struggle with it for a minute or so, you wriggle it in the vagina, ask her who her daddy is, then 57 seconds later you climax in it. Afterward you tell all your boys that you boned the fuck out of her and left the condom on top of the trash cans pile so her parents would see it. Ladies you tell your friends that you gave it up to him and that he's the only man you'll ever love. Then 3 months later when you find out he fingered your cousin at your 15th birthday party, you won't feel as bad about the breakup as you would if a kid were involved. DOES ANY OF THAT SEEM SO FUCKING HARD?
I'm not dumb, I know teens will have a ton of sex and experiment with dildos. We need to make teen pregnancy shameful again! If you are 16 and pregnant you should be embarrassed! Your life is shit and your dreams have gone down the toilet! Abortions are OK the first time around (Hey everyone makes mistakes right?)but for the love of god guys wear a condom! It's not like you know what the fuck you're doing anyway! You haven't experimented any moves or perfected the "pull out" action yet. Essentially you're using a half-assed cum-shot on making a baby instead of spilling it inside of a Durex. Babies should be made with thunderous climaxes not pre-cum wriggle dick. I'M OUUUUTTTTT!!!!
sadly the media and this reality shows try to show the life of these miserable people because the want us to think our life is not so bad if you compare it to them. we live in a doble-moral society...this is the perfect example how post-modern society has no identity and is easily conducted by the media or any idea that make people feel they belong somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could get into a pitch session over at MTV. I have so many great ideas for shows, they'll be rolling in advertising dough. For example: TO LET A PREDATOR GO. It's just like TO CATCH A PREDATOR, except Chris Hansen isn't there to stop anyone from committing statuatory rape. (This could be a great lead-in to TEEN MOM.) I have another one: YEAR'S BEST ABORTIONS. It will follow a group of people who use abortion as contraceptive (because let's face it, no one likes condoms). I smell EMMY!