Life. Arte. Nerdiness. Politics. Culinary Adventures.

Writing and sharing everything I love with all of you. Also sharing a lot of anger. But mostly love. Anger-Love.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'd LOVE to tea bag Sarah Palin's food!

So I'm sure many of you know that the Tea Baggers paid Sarah Palin a bunch of moneys to show up at their Tea Bagging Dinner and she gave a HUGE speech about how Obama is ruining the country and compares him to Hitler. By now I hope most of you know that far Right wing Republicans love to compare Obama to Hitler (Hitler killed millions of Jews for some of you who don't know) and liken the Obama administration to a Socialist regime. These Right wing radicals will say anything possible to have you believe that Obama and the Democrats are trying to take away all of your Rights as a American. I've heard the Rights talk about how they want to take away Religion from school (We should!), and how Obama wants to take away your guns (umm in my opinion we do need tougher gun laws), also that Obama didn't take the attempted Detroit terrorist attack seriously (The guy's in jail!). All of this lashing out and nitpicking stems from one issue: Health care reform!

I don't know if many of you know this but... Our economy really sucks right now. If you are oblivious to that I'm glad you have enough money to not give a shit about anyone other than yourself. But I personally think that this bad economy affects the people that really run this country: The Middle Class. The biggest problem that the Middle Class is having right now is paying for health insurance. This is the only wealthy industrialized country in the world without Health Reform! Why? Because rich republicans make A LOT of money from the Middle Class and a lot of our money goes to the MOST expensive public/private Health Insurance programs in the world! Republicans want YOU to believe that they are doing America good keeping Health Care Reform from going through! They are the only people not being affected by the Recession, In 2007 we paid nearly 3 TRILLION dollars in Health Insurance and services out of our pockets! Republicans would love to mandate the uninsured to be insured so that they can raise the prices of deductibles and co-pay. I believe Republicans will attempt to start off a "cheap" Health Care program that will look cheap at first but then raise the prices on the service dramatically... OH WAIT! Thats COBRA which was started up by Reagan and Obama had to bail out.

Look, I grew up in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago. Its a poor neighborhood where the annual income is on average $15,000 to $35,000 (I think I'm being generous). I grew up surrounded by neighbors who had to rely on public aid and the ones who could not qualify because they made "too much money" to get public aid didn't have insurance. These Republicans who battle againt this Reform NEVER had to live like that. Do you think Sarah Palin ever had to worry about Mom and Dad making ends meet when she was a kid? Palin's parents worked for the board of education, That means she saw them home more than a lot of us saw our parents at home. Our parents worked wacky shifts and a lot of us were latch key kids. I'm not saying she grew up "rich" but I am saying that she did NOT grow up like us. Do you think they (Republicans) know what its like to wait at Cook County hospital for free treatment and medicine? Or that they went to some lady's house to get treatment or a vaccination because going to the clinic was too expensive? Yeah it's true we were pretty lucky that our neighborhood had a lot of funding from private companies and we did have help where we needed it. The point I'm trying to make is how do these people think they know whats good for us if they NEVER had to live or grow up like us? All they care about is the money that falls into their pockets! Oh so they donate once a year in large contributions... the only reason any of these rich bastards donate anything is so they can get a tax cut and keep more of their filthy cash. They don't care about us! I don't think Obama is the Alpha and Omega, but I do believe that what he is doing is trying to help the poor. I don't need free health insurance because I work for a good company that keeps the cost of decent insurance low for me. But if they decided to pass Health Care Reform and an extra $20 bucks would be taken out of my check a week to help people in this country that need it... take it.

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