In case you haven't seen the latest and most talked about Insane Clown Posse video ever, I've posted it above. The video came out a few months ago and its been made fun of, SNL has made a parody, and been the hot topic with Juggalos (die hard ICP fans) everywhere! The name of the song is "Miracles" and it talks about how everyday occurrences and scientific facts are indeed "Miracles" to the Insane Clown Posse. Any one with a half a brain can tell you that your child looks like you because of genetics, ICP on the other hand calls it a "miracle". Personally I watch the video to get some good chuckles and be flat out flabbergasted by the line "Fucking magnets, How do they WORK???!!" Which has now turned into a huge internet meme.
I've tried to sit down and understand the video. I have picked at it from all angles and I've tried to "get" the song so that I can see where the "miracles" are. I have a LOT of time on my hands and nope, NO DICE! I think its safe to say that if you completely understand this video and agree with the lyric "I don't want to talk to a scientist, Ya'll motherfuckers lying and getting me pissed!" You're fucking crazy! Not funny crazy either, I'm talking about you need your family to sit you down and figure out what's the best way to get you professional help crazy. Why would a scientist LIE???!!! That boggles my mind, What scientist would say "OK, magnets work by magic spells put on them by sugar plum fairies!" The only kind of scientist that would say that is clearly one that wants to be discredited and lose all respect in the scientific community! I don't like people who call scientists liars, you might as well be a pedophile! YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!
"I've seen shit that'll shock your eyelids
The sun and the moon, and even Mars
The Milky Way and fucking shooting stars
UFOs, a river flows
Plant a little seed and nature grows"
YOU SON OF A BITCH! I've seen all those things, even the UFO I thought I saw once was actually a weather balloon but it wasn't a miracle! The sun is made up of gases not miracles, you uneducated bastard! Did the ICP miss the ENTIRE Fourth grade? I swear we learned all about this stuff during science hour! Did you guys ever plant seeds in Styrofoam cups? Mine never grew! Not because I don't believe in miracles, they didn't grow because I thought Coca-Cola would be essential to its growing process! My theory was wrong, but at least I didn't attribute my failure to miracles fucking me in the ass!
"Crows, ghosts, the midnight coast
The wonders of the world, mysteries the most"
Really? You had to throw GHOSTS in there? No one believes me about my ghosts experiences, who's gonna believe a couple of assholes who throw scientists under the bus and call them out as liars! Watch the video, but don't read too much into it. Unless you want to end up like this:
"I said...hop on!"
Sorry I had to stop the blog, I found myself getting angry. Which is really stupid...
ReplyDeleteICP could benefit from watching a few episodes of PENN & TELLER'S BULLSHIT.