That's right ladies and gentlemen that is the creator of The Oblongs and all around bad boy Angus Oblong, his manservant Sparkle, and myself at the Wizard World's Chicago Comic Con! The 4 day nerdfest wasn't very memorable for a lot of hardcore fans. But Cliff, Bruni, and most of all me will remember it as a time that we hung out with Angus Oblong.. a lot! On Thursday I got to WW at about 4:40 pm and doors opened at 5pm, Cliff and Bruni were heading there after work so when 5:00pm rolled by I headed inside. The year before I remember being pretty damn upset that Angus had skipped WW so I was hoping to see him, low and behold Angus was setting up shop with his handsome manservant Sparkle. I walked over to get the scoop as to why he didn't show the year before. "Hey! I know you!!!" yelled Angus Oblong, I was taken aback. Not only does this man meet thousands of people a year and it had been a couple since he'd seen me but he lives in L.A. where he probably sees more Mexicans that he'd probably like to. I told him that we'd seen him every year and always hung around and spent some cash at his table I even had a couple of pictures taken with him. I introduced myself and told him that my friend Rich would be super excited to hear that Angus would be there, "Well get his fat ass over here!" he exclaimed (Rich is about 115 lbs. soaking wet). I walked away and quickly texted Cliff "ANGUS OBLONG REMEMBERED MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" I was extremely flattered and my nerd hard on was raging! I forgot to mention that Angus accused me of "Coming on to him" which I replied "Hey, Its Thursday. Its FUCKING College Night!!! Anything goes BRO!!!" He got a kick out of that. I'm a damn funny guy! When Cliff got there I quickly led him to Angus' table, When we got there Angus yells "Hey BLACK!!!" (Cliff is definitely Black aka African American) Angus had us laughing our asses off while he lightheartedly belittled his manservant Sparkle. I noticed he had a Dr. Rockso figure at his table, I inquired abut it and told him it was cool. "Give me 5 bucks for it man, some fan gave it to me and I don't want it!" I called his bluff and paid him, He then signed the doll and I told him I'd carry it around in hopes that the guy who gave it to him would see me with it and feel like an asshole. I don't know if the guy ever saw me or noticed but that was the end of Day 1.
Throughout the weekend we'd pass by and hang out, Angus asked me my name a dozen times and kept forgetting so eventually he decided it would be best if he wrote it on his hand. So we fist bumped, took pics, made fun of dorky looking dudes, made horrible remarks about women and children, and I'm pretty sure we built a lot of bad karma for us. But it was worth it! Sparkle and I talked a lot he's one of the coolest guys I've met at comic cons and we had some great quick conversations. We traded facebook info and we're probably gonna end up having a bromance! Eventually Sunday came around and I really wanted to get an interview with Angus, When I asked him he was a bit nervous. Angus asked me to wait to interview until he'd had his coffee, I came back about 20 minutes later. Angus buzzed me off again and I came back 30 minutes later, he wanted to check my questions out so I let him check them out and reassured him that it would be just as if he was talking to me. After buzzing me off again I returned 15 minutes later so that he'd get "mentally prepared" for the interview. We sat down and had a great time with it! Afterward I thanked him and spent a measly 6 dollars at his table (I'm cheap OK??!!) We wished each other luck... well maybe I wished him luck and he probably yelled an obscenity at me (He's a very funny and playful guy).
Interviewing Angus Oblong has been one of the best moments so far in my short journalism career. I couldn't have asked for a better sport and to hang out with a guy who truly loves being around his fans. A lot of guys in the industry will blow you off or act very condescending towards you, but Angus treated myself, the crew, and all his fans like friends. So if you ever get to meet Angus and you buy one of his awesome books and he draws a character on the "This book belongs to.." page, It's not just a drawing its a gesture of friendship. Thank you Angus for making a lackluster Wizard World one that The Napalm Assault will never forget. Fag.
Email me @ leoperez@thenapalmassault.com for the audio of this interview, I'll be fixing the link to hear the interview soon. Thanks, sorry about that!
Your interview doesn't work.