The Cup O’ Joe Marvel panel started off with Joe Quesada, Arune Singh, Tom Brevoort, THE Jeph Loeb, and C.B. Cebulski. First on the agenda was the new Secret Avengers book coming out this summer and we saw the full lineup with Steve Rogers, Moon Knight, Black Widow, Beast, Ant-Man, and Nova. The full lineup had been revealed last week at Wonder-con so we really didn’t get any big time news there. Jeph Loeb then went next ad revealed that Hulk #23 would be Double Sized and contain the Red Hulk origin. The book would also get a few different guest star artists like Adam Kubert (finally back at Marvel), Sal Buscema, and Tim Sale to name a few. Alex Ross and Christos Gage will be bringing out Invaders which will be a new on-going book. For me the news of the panel was the Avengers: Childrens Crusade arc that will see the search for the Scarlet Witch and it‘ll be beautifully drawn by Jim Cheung. Quesada also told us about O.M.I.T. which stands for One Moment In Time it will deal with the fallout of Spider-Man’s One More Day and Brand New Day arcs. We were also told to hold our horses for the Marvel Man reprinted Hardcovers that will be coming out in the near future.

The next day we hit up the X-Men panel with writers Peter David ad Marjorie Liu, which really wasn’t a strong panel but gave us a little insight on things to come in the X-Universe. They show us the We Are The X-Men teaser with Spider-Man, Gambit, Hope, Elektra, She-Hulk, Blade, Magneto, and Psylocke. Also we get to see a teaser for Wolverine’s new ongoing where his soul is in hell which will be part of the fallout of Second Coming. Wolverine will also be heading an all new X-Force team with members to be announced in the coming months, they’ll be going against Apocalypse who’ll be making a huge return after Second Coming.
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