The Marvel animation panel started with editor and chief Joe Quesada, manager of sales communication Arune Singh, and Josh Fine director of development. They showed us some Superhero Squad season 2 tease with MODOCK and it hinted that they'd be introducing the Infinity Gems. They also introduced new Squad characters like Bucky, Hercules, Captain Marvel, and Zeus. Ultimate Spider-Man was brought up although Quesada wouldn't budge on it he did say that Spectacular Spider-Man is canceled as well as Wolverine and the X-Men.
We were also treated to the official world premiere trailer the The Avengers Earths mightiest heroes (They acknowledge that it had been leaked and that we'd probably already saw it). A new Marvel cartoon which will have the original Avenger team of Iron man,Wasp, Ant man, Thor, Hulk and Captain America. The trailer got a huge pop from the crowd. In the show it looks like they're using the Breakout story arc from New Avengers and throwing Loki in there as a way to play homage to the fact that Loki originally was the threat that the Avengers came together against. The Trailer showed a whole bunch of baddies including the Wrecking Crew, Kang the conqueror, and Ultron.
The crowd actually got a few good questions in like: Are Marvel and Pixar working on anything? Quesada simply said "Its a long process and its too soon to be working on anything yet." Then someone needed to know when Black Panther is coming to America... "Very soon" was the answer. Finally fans of Next Avengers will be happy to know that Bendis will be including them in an upcoming story arc. After the panel I was able to speak with Joe Quesada about the Disney purchase of Marvel, I asked Quesada if Disney's own animation department would be dipping their pens in any Marvel projects whether its animated or a comic book. Quesada assured me that Disney doesn't want to fix what is not broken. Disney doesn't have the Male demographic covered the way that they do with females so Disney wants Marvel to continue being a separate company and continue offering the product that attracts young males and adult men which has never been Disney's strong point in the past. Disney won't step on any Marvel toes as long as Marvel continues to rake in the money it is supposed to, But Quesada also mentioned that it is nice to finally be able to attack a wide spectrum of the international market and that Disney has its own TV networks where we'll be able to see a lot more Marvel projects go forward. Great panel by Joe Quesada and the Marvel team tonight I'll be able to wrap things up with the Cup O' Joe and X-Men panel which will be happening today as well as a wrap up of C2E2.
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