The DC Nation panel started at 4:45, Dan Diddio sprints up to the podium and is mega energized and extremely over with the crowd. Diddio's followed by Peter Straub, James Robinson, Scott Snyder, Geoff Johns, Brian Azzarello, and of course the IMMORTAL Jim Lee (My fav).
The panel was incredibly interactive and Diddio was really fan friendly, we really didn't get to see any upcoming previews or get many bombs dropped on us. The DC Nation panel was really about hearing the public's opinion with the recent status with DC. The crowed approved heavily with the way Blackest Night went (HUGE pop for the return of Aquaman) and it sounded like everyone was excited for Brightest Day. I have to give my kudos to how well DC treats their fans at a live function. It was all about hearing everyone's opinion and reacting positive to the negative questions and not afraid to be frank on the business level. Diddio even gave everyone a chance to voice their opinion on "prehistoric Batman" which got a forced favorable applause from the crowd, But when someone booed about Barry Allen returning as the Flash Diddio gave that person a chance to voice their dislike about the idea. Diddio went as far as calling out select people from the audience who jeered at some of DC's unpopular moves. As expected Geoff Johns received most of the questions and gave short sweet answers on subjects like Hawkman and Martian Manhunter's return, He also teased on a collaboration with Jim Lee on a big event. The panel ran about a hour and a half and again was very light with spoilers or preview information. The DC Nation panel was really about hearing the fans out and getting everyone excited for a weekend of C2E2 festivities.
After the show I thanked Diddio for a great presentation (He was extremely gracious and gave a warm welcome to me), I also was able to speak briefly to Jim Lee about his recent iPad drawings and Tweets that he's been posting a lot of lately and asked if we'd ever see a variant Jim Lee cover done on iPad's Sketchbook Pro, Jim thought that the capabilities on the iPad weren't strong enough yet for that. I brought up if devices like the iPad would change the artistic world for comics sooner than expected, Jim Lee assured me that pencils and Bristol boards would not be going anywhere anytime soon. I then shared an awkward moment with Brian Azzarello in the bathroom but that stemmed from an even more awkward Azzarello moment that happened earlier in the day (story to come soon). Thanks everyone!
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